Healing Through Music

Music has a transformative power that can heal, uplift, and bring joy to people of all ages, but its impact on the lives of older people is especially profound. As we move forward on life’s journey, music becomes an essential tool to break down barriers, awaken memories, and facilitate connection with others.

Using Music to Heal and Bring Joy to Seniors

Music, when used as a healing practice, has the ability to connect us with universal energy, promoting physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. Each melody, each note, has the power to transport us to different moments in our lives, helping us reconnect with our past experiences and rediscover our essence.

During my time volunteering at a senior center, I have witnessed the impact music can have on those suffering from the early symptoms of dementia or Alzheimer's. People who in their daily lives experience confusion or difficulty remembering are transported and recall the lyrics of songs they once loved, joyfully singing along with others. This experience not only allows them to relive happy moments, but also offers them an invaluable opportunity to connect and share with others.

I met Maritta when she came to inquire about volunteering at a Senior Center and immediately knew what a special individual she is. I was the Activities and Volunteer Coordinator, responsible for organizing the monthly activity calendar and sourcing good souls to enrich the residents’ lives. What a gift Maritta is to the residents! Maritta is a kind, energetic, and creative presence. The residents love singing and spending time with her and sharing stories. Her highly anticipated visits always turn into a big party. Maritta’s ability to spread smiles whenever she goes is nothing short of magical.
— Christina/Activities and Volunteer Coordinator at Senior Center

One practice that has proven particularly effective is “Sing with Us,” a group singing activity that encourages participation, interaction, and collective enjoyment. Through this activity, I have discovered that music has a similar effect to that on young children: it sparks their curiosity, provides comfort, and offers them a safe space to express themselves.

Music creates a safe and welcoming space where individuals can experience joy and connection through:

  1. Smiling:  The positive energy of music relaxes people, making them laugh, sing, and joke with each other. This interaction fosters an atmosphere of camaraderie and mutual support.

  2. Singing:  Sharing musical talents allows each person to express themselves creatively, connecting with their inner child and reliving precious memories. Singing in a group strengthens the sense of community and belonging.

  3. Dancing:  Some of those I work with are driven by the rhythm of the music and get up and dance, while others move their bodies from their chairs. This physical expression is not only a beneficial exercise, but also a celebration of life and joy.

  4. Playing Musical Instruments:  Many residents bring small musical instruments to gatherings, delighting others with mini concerts. These performances not only lift spirits, but also reinforce the importance of art and creativity in everyday life.

Music not only benefits older adults but also serves as a bridge between generations. Just as with young children, music helps older adults connect with each other. In my personal experience, when I decided to create a home daycare after the birth of my eldest daughter, music was a vital tool in helping the new children integrate and interact with one another. This same magic of music can be observed in elder care settings, where it fosters bonds of understanding and empathy between people of different ages.

Conclusion: The Healing Power of Music

Music is a powerful manifestation of the divine energy that we all carry within. Used with intention and love, it can heal, bring joy, and rekindle the spark of life in those who have experienced so many different stages of existence. The healing that music offers is a reminder of the magic that lies in the simple, the everyday, and the deeply human.

Discover your eternal essence, connect with your true self, and allow music to unleash the greatness within you.

Discover your Truth, Find your Peace, Be Happy.


Nací en Ecuador, un lugar donde la espiritualidad fluye junto con la naturaleza. Desde temprana edad, sentí una profunda conexión con algo más allá de lo material, un llamado a descubrir la verdad de mi existencia. Este llamado me llevó a recorrer el mundo, aprendiendo de Maestros Espirituales en la India, Nepal, Filipinas y otros rincones sagrados.


Energy Healing and Life Force: A Path to Spiritual Balance