Discovering Passion in Life: Mayra's Transformation with Maritta

Intuitive life coaching sessions helped Mayra gain the clarity she needed to uncover her true passion in her professional life. By exploring her inner strengths and values, she overcame self-doubt and aligned her career with her authentic self. This transformation allowed her to find fulfillment and confidence, turning her work into a source of excitement and purpose.

Methods used

Thanks to the Intuitive Life Coaching sessions and Vedanta teachings, Mayra was able to overcome her inner conflicts and find new clarity in her professional life, discovering her true passions.

About Mayra

Mayra, a woman in her 40s, came to the consultation feeling confused and full of doubts. Frequent professional changes, caused by her husband’s job, forced her to move to different countries and adapt to new cultures. These challenges left her without a clear sense of direction in her professional life.

The Challenge

Mayra needed to find clarity regarding her professional goals and discover what truly ignited her passion. Constant relocations left her feeling disoriented and without a defined purpose. Her goal was to overcome internal doubts, clarify her professional path, and learn to appreciate the unique aspects of her life, such as her multicultural experience and her ability to speak multiple languages.

How Maritta Helped

Through Intuitive Life Coaching techniques, I guided Mayra to discover the answers that were already within her. This approach allowed her to connect with her intuition and start listening to her inner voice, which had been silenced by external pressures and internal doubts. Together, we identified the fears and limiting beliefs that were blocking her professional growth, opening up space for her to begin building the future she desired.

Additionally, the teachings of Vedanta provided Mayra with a deeper understanding of her life, helping her interpret her experiences from a more enriching perspective. This ancient wisdom allowed her to release the anxiety of control and begin trusting the process, understanding that every challenge is part of her personal evolution. With a broader, more spiritual vision, she started seeing her decisions not only as steps toward success but as opportunities for inner growth.

My experience with Maritta has been invaluable for my professional life. She helped me set clear goals and find the path to achieve them. She also provided clarity about what I truly want in life and helped me discover my passion. Adapting to a new country with a different culture has been difficult, but these sessions allowed me to recognize my strengths, such as being bilingual or trilingual, and understand that this is an added value. I learned to turn challenges into opportunities. I am very grateful to Maritta for guiding me and organizing my thoughts.
— Mayra

Throughout the process, I provided Mayra with ongoing and close support, both during and outside of the sessions. Through regular follow-ups, we reviewed her progress and created a safe space where she could express her emotions and achievements. This constant support was key to helping Mayra set and reach her goals.

What Sets Maritta Apart

What distinguishes Maritta is her unique ability to combine her spiritual knowledge with intuitive life coaching. With a holistic and personalized approach, Maritta deeply connects with her clients, using her intuition to facilitate a full transformation. Each session is designed to provide the necessary support and attention for the client to reconnect with their true self, live with purpose, and achieve lasting inner peace.


Nací en Ecuador, un lugar donde la espiritualidad fluye junto con la naturaleza. Desde temprana edad, sentí una profunda conexión con algo más allá de lo material, un llamado a descubrir la verdad de mi existencia. Este llamado me llevó a recorrer el mundo, aprendiendo de Maestros Espirituales en la India, Nepal, Filipinas y otros rincones sagrados.


Connecting with Intuition: Mona's Transformation with Maritta