Intuitive Life Coaching: An Effective Tool to Reconnect with Your Authentic Self – Lauren's Transformation

The path to authenticity is key to personal development, bringing inner peace and a sense of purpose. It requires unlearning limiting beliefs and freeing ourselves from external expectations to align our lives with what truly matters.

Methods used

Intuitive Life Coaching, combined with the teachings of Vedanta, proved to be a powerful tool in helping Lauren reconnect with her authentic self. Through structured sessions, we identified and challenged the beliefs that fueled comparison and competition, allowing her to find greater peace and clarity.

About Lauren

Lauren is an intelligent and successful woman, but from an early age, she has tended to compare herself to others, which has affected her self-esteem. This has also created a constant sense of competition with others, making it difficult for her to maintain personal well-being.

The Challenge

We often fall into the trap of comparing ourselves to others, which creates dissatisfaction and distracts us from what we truly value. Society imposes expectations on who we should be or what we should have, which pulls us away from our own path. These pressures create a disconnect from our personal needs and desires, leading to a life based on external standards.

How Maritta Helped

Intuitive Life Coaching, combined with the teachings of Vedanta, became a powerful tool in helping Lauren reconnect with her authentic self. Through structured sessions, we worked to identify and challenge the beliefs that fueled comparison and competition, allowing her to find greater inner peace and clarity. This transformation process showed her that living authentically means questioning imposed beliefs and allowing herself to be true to who she really is.

For many, as in Lauren’s case, this involves redefining ideas of success and personal fulfillment, basing them on what truly resonates with our inner being, rather than measuring ourselves by material achievements or predefined roles. As Lauren progressed in her coaching journey, she learned to value what truly brought her peace and purpose, freeing herself from the pressure of meeting external expectations.

For years, I was in a rut of comparing myself to others, and it burdened me with a lack of contentment and a feeling of restlessness. Through Maritta’s intuitive life coaching, she helped me see which beliefs and values were robbing me of life’s joy and instead focus on what brings me true peace and contentment. She challenged my assumptions of what culture says I should be, have, and do. For the first time in my life, I feel peace in letting go of others’ expectations and simply living as my authentic self.
— Lauren

This testimonial reflects how coaching and a spiritual approach can guide people toward a more authentic and peaceful life, freeing them from the limits imposed by external beliefs.

What Sets Maritta Apart

The process of being authentic is not a final destination but a continuous journey of self-discovery. Through Intuitive Life Coaching, I helped Lauren overcome limiting beliefs and reconnect with her true values. I used Vedanta principles to dive deeper into her thoughts and patterns, facilitating her personal growth. By letting go of external expectations and focusing on what truly matters, we found greater harmony and fulfillment in our decisions and actions. While the process may not always be simple, living in alignment with our priorities leads to a more balanced and meaningful life.


Nací en Ecuador, un lugar donde la espiritualidad fluye junto con la naturaleza. Desde temprana edad, sentí una profunda conexión con algo más allá de lo material, un llamado a descubrir la verdad de mi existencia. Este llamado me llevó a recorrer el mundo, aprendiendo de Maestros Espirituales en la India, Nepal, Filipinas y otros rincones sagrados.


Hope’s Sacred Journey of Intuition with Maritta